The Dapodik application system is a structured data collection system in education, where the use of the application system consists of managing school data, student data, and teacher or staff data. In running the dapodic application system, software and hardware are needed as well as humans as operators. The components above must be interconnected so that school administration activities can run well and smoothly. Therefore an analysis process is needed to see whether the components of the dapodic application system are running properly. This study aims to measure the level of effectiveness by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the application of the Dapodik Application System at SMPN 1 Muara Telang as well as improving variables with weak values so as to increase the effectiveness of the application of the Dapodik application. The method used in this research is the PIECES method or PIECES analysis (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, and Service). The results of this study are that all PIECES variables are categorized as effective so that it can be said that the Dapodic Application System of SMPN 1 Muara Telang is functioning well in facilitating education data collection in schools. The results of the calculation of the average amount of the Dapodik Application System obtained the value of the effectiveness level of each PIECES variable, namely the Performance variable with an average effectiveness result of 4.05, the Information variable with an average effectiveness result of 4.22, the Economics variable with average results. -Effectiveness average 3.96, Control and Security variables with an average result of 4.02 effectiveness, efficiency variables with an average effectiveness result of 3.94 and Service variables with an average result of 4.08 effectiveness. All the results of these calculations are categorized as EFFECTIVE, namely the Dapodik application system plays a good role in facilitating the education data collection system at SMPN 1 Muara Telang.
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