Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Guest Book pada Dinas PU Bina Marga dan Tata Ruang Berbasis Web

Doki Anggara, Utami Mizani Putri


Hostess is an important part of an institution as a medium for community service. This is because the reception is the first and last place the guest meets, so the first and last impression is formed on the receptionist. One of the agencies that requires a reception is the Public Works Office of Highways and Spatial Planning of South Sumatra Province (PUBMTR), because every day visitors often come from outside, either in terms of work or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Based on observations at the Public Works Department of Bina Marga and Spatial Planning, there are many obstacles faced by the receptionist in carrying out their duties because they still use manual methods so that they are not effective. This study aims to design a Web-based Receptionist Information System and create a new system, in order to make it easier for the Public Works of Highways and Spatial Planning of South Sumatra Province in filling out the Guest Book. This research uses several methods, namely, prototype, PHP, and ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). Field research is carried out in two ways, namely through direct observation, as well as conducting interviews with related parties, and practical work is a combination of the two research methods. The result of this research is a Website-based Guest Book Information System. The benefits obtained from implementing the information system are to make it easier for the office to improve the better quality.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
email: semnassaintek_uin@radenfatah.ac.id

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