Monitoring Kualitas Lingkungan di Sekitar Industri Tahu Rumahan Kelurahan Karang Raja Kota Prabumulih

Della Sintia, RA. Hoetary Tirta Amallia, Rian Oktiansyah, Cristin Tiara, Mellinia Anthika Sari, Femmy Octa, Nia Safitri


Tofu industry is one type of cottage industry that produces solid waste and liquid waste. Disposal of liquid waste in water bodies without any prior waste treatment process can damage water quality. This research is a descriptive analytical study that describes the pK content and temperature of the tofu industrial wastewater and describes the physical and chemical parameters of the Kelekar river water. From the results of research on liquid waste, it was found that the pH level of liquid waste discharged into the river was 3.1, river water pH was 6.13, total hardness was 12.4 mg / L, TDS was 94 mg / L, TSS was 27.3 mg / L, and the river water temperature is 28 oC. The low pH of wastewater discharged into the river causes the pH of river water to be low. This means that river water becomes acidic, this can damage water biota because aquatic biota can only live at a neutral pH, namely 7.4 ± 7.5 and can cause corrosiveness.

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Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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