Studi Bioteknologi Pengendalian Hayati dengan Berbagai Jamur

Aldila Yunia Putri, Ulfah Utami


Biological control is the regulation of the population of organisms by utilizing natural enemies so that the density of organisms is below the average when compared to without control [1]. However, farmers generally tend to use pesticides excessively to protect their products from pests and diseases [2]. The use of fungi is an alternative to reduce the use of pesticides [3]. This study aims to examine the biotechnology of biological control using fungi including history, application, advantages and disadvantages as well as opportunities and challenges in the future. The method used is data collection from several literature sources. The results  show that the use of biological control with biotechnology involves various disciplines, including: microbiology, genetics, food science, agriculture, molecular biology, computers, and others. Biotechnology for biological control with fungi can be classified into two, namely conventional and modern. Some fungi that can be used as biocontrol agents include: Metarhizium anisoplia and Beauveria bassiana as entomopathogenic fungi and Trichoderma sp as antagonistic fungi. In the future, the use of fungi has good prospects because of their environmentally friendly nature (leaving no residue and toxicity), and further development is needed.

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Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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