Pemanfaatan Nikotin Dari Ekstrak Tembakau Sebagai Insektisida Hama Coptotermes curvignathus

Roni Suprayitno, Damayanti Iskandar, Fitria Wijayanti


This research aims to determine the mortality of termite pests type of Copcotermes curvignathus about giving of nicotine insecticide from leaf tobacco’s ekstract (Nicotiana tabacum L.). The research was conducted at Chemical Laboratory, Chemistry Program Study, Faculty of  Secience  and Technology, Raden Fatah State Islamic University of Palembang. The research was done by using LC50 (Lethal Concentration) method whit variations treatments of insecticide concentrations. It variation of concentration of insecticide was made from 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, positive control (synthetic insecticide 10%), and negative control (0%) of concetrations. The observations was done by spraying insectiside on 20 animals test for each sample for 1 hour of observation and 5 replications. The results showed the percent of corrected mortality from the variation of the insecticide concentration of 2-10% is 38.54-93.75%. Percent mortality from the use of nicotine insecticides explains the type of insecticide classified as acute insecticide. Data of LC50 shows the percent of nicotine insecticide to kill 50% of the pest population Copcotermes curvignathus is 3.371%.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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