Keanekaragaman Serangga Permukaan Tanah di Perkebunan Apel Semi-Organik dan Anorganik Desa Janjangwulung Kecamatan Puspo, Pasuruan

Caesar Rasendria Achmad, Muhammad Asmuni Hasyim


Soil insects are fauna that live in the soil, both those living on the surface of the soil and those found in the soil. Insects on the ground are mostly insects that eat dead plants or herbivore. Soil surface insects play a role in the decomposition process. The purpose of this study was to obtain facts and data about the diversity of soil macrofauna species in semi-organic apple farming and inorganic apple farming in Janjangwulung, Puspo District, Pasuruan Regency. The method used in this research is using the Pitfall Trap technique which is installed on 3 transects with a total of 30 plots at both locations of apple plantations. Identified results from research in all locations, namely 6 orders, 12 families, and 18 genera that is Odontoponera, Aphaenogaster, Formica, Epuraea, Pangeus, Neoscapteriscus, Entomobrya, Deltocephalus, Phenolia, Camponotus, Otiorhynchus, Ganotacerus, Stelidota, Drosophila, Simulium, Bothroponera, Nilaparvata, Hippelantes. The results showed that the Shannon Weiner (H') diversity index in semi-organic and inorganic apple plantations showed values of 0.616 and 1.682, respectively. While the dominance index values of semi-organic and inorganic apple plantation ecosystems show values of 0.7867 and 0.2926, respectively. The value of the Evenness Index is known to range from 0.1157-0.3584 in both plantations. The similarity index of the two fields (Cs) shows that the similarity index of semi-organic apple plantations and inorganic apple plantations is 0.83.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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