Analisa Termodinamika Motor Bakar 6 Tak Siklus MUB-2 Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Pertamax dan Etanol

Elandi Elandi, Eko Siswanto, Agung Sugeng Widodo


The six-stroke combustion engine is a refinement of the four-stroke engine by adding two strokes of the four-stroke combustion engine. The two steps in question are the second compression stroke and the second expansion stroke, so in one work cycle, there are two compressions and two combustions. The method used is an experimental research method. This study aims to obtain the performance value and exhaust gas emission values for Pertamax and Ethanol fuels on a six-stroke engine, the fuel used is Pertamax fuel with a purity of 100% and Ethanol with a purity of 99.7%. Based on the results of research, analysis, and discussion, the performance of the MUB-2 six-stroke combustion engine with Pertamax and Ethanol fuels concluded that the combustion efficiency of the Pertamax six-stroke fuel motor is 1.06% less than ethanol fuel, cycle work (Wnet) Pertamax fuel six-stroke motor is 1.12% higher than ethanol fuel, the thermal efficiency (ηth) of Pertamax fuel six-stroke motor is comparable to ethanol fuel, while the fuel efficiency (ηf) of the six-stroke ethanol fuel engine is 1.06% higher than the Pertamax fuel

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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