Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Invasif di Hutan Lindung Gambut Sungai Buluh Tanjung Jabung Timur
The Study of invasive plant species in the protected peat forest area of the Sungai Buluh, Tanjung Jabung Timur was conducted from April to September 2020. Data were collected with systematic sampling method in 2 x 2 m plot spread over five 1500 m long transects. Each transect has 5 plots with the same distance of 100 m, so that the total plots owned are 15 plots. The data obtained were analyzed to determine the importance of plant species in the research location. Based on the identification results. There are 20 of invasive plants identified through the site and identification from book references. Asystasia gangetica (Acanthaceae), Bidens pilosa L (Asteraceae), Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae) and Mimosa pudica (Fabaceae) are species found in large number.. Invasive spesies are spread only in the open space area in the research location
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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820
Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
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