Substitusi Tepung Singkong dan Tepung Kedelai dengan Penambahan Bubuk Daun Sirsak pada Pembuatan Tortellini Pasta

Safira Nurul Atsna, U Yuyun Triastuti, Ira Handayani


Tortellini pasta is one of the main course dishes or main meals. Tortellini pasta is a type of pasta with a round shape like a ring with meat filling inside. The choice of soy flour and cassava flour in making tortellini pasta is due to the use of wheat flour in Indonesia is very high, and reduces dependence on wheat flour, by adding soursop leaf powder and replacing the filling with catfish meat. The aims of this research are: 1) To know the formula of Tortellini Pasta by substitution of cassava flour and soybean flour with the addition of soursop leaf powder. 2) Knowing the public's acceptance of Tortellini Pasta by substitution of cassava flour and soybean flour with the addition of soursop leaf powder. 3) Knowing the nutrients contained in Tortellini Pasta by substitution of cassava flour and soybean flour with the addition of soursop leaf powder. The methods used in this study include library, documentation, experimental, hedonic, and nutritional methods. The resulting data is then processed and evaluated and then presented in the form of tables or diagrams with in-depth explanations. The results showed that the tortellini pasta formula, substituted with cassava flour and soybean flour with the addition of soursop leaf powder, was the best and accepted by the public, namely with the composition of 60 g cassava flour, 80 g soybean flour, 60 g wheat flour, soursop leaf powder ½ tbs, eggs 100 g, olive oil ½ tbs, and ¼ tsp salt. One recipe with the results of approximately 520g tortellini pasta substituted with cassava flour and soybean flour with the addition of soursop leaf powder contains 1.87g protein, 93.01g carbohydrates, 2.5g fat, 37.46g calcium, 62.43g phosphorus, 561 vitamin A, 83g and vitamin C 31.21g.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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