Kebiasaan Makan dan Fekunditas Ikan Lele Lokal (Clarias batrachus) di Perairan Sawah SP. Padang Kab. Ogan Komering Ilir Sum-Sel

Winda Astriana, Yunike Dwi Apriani, Nur Rahmawati, Makri Makri, Mersi Mersi, Awalul Fatiqin


Analysis of fish stomach contents is very useful to determine the development of a type of fish, especially fish that are economically important so that cultivation steps can be taken. The catfish are omnivorous but there are that are carnivorous, because the main meal of animal and plant that size from samll to big. Research with the aim of analyzing the composition of the food in the stomach contents of catfish which is seen based on the main food, complementary food and additional food. The purposemof this studi was to detemine the technique of analyzing the eating habits of local catfish, to find out the types of food eaten by local catfish, and fecundity and diameters egg catfish. This research was conducted from Aprile to May 2021. The fish samples observed 40 fish (33 famale fish and 7 male fish). The method used in this study is the Index Of Prepoderance method based on Natarjana and Jingran in Effendie (2002) and used method Gravimetrik for fekundity egg catfish. The research showed that from an analysis of eating habits catfishes local index of prepoderance (IP) it can be seen that the chief food from local catfishes (Clarias batrachus) the aquatic insect and litter in order to know that local catfishes (Clarias batrachus) omnivorous fish is the type. Then it was found that the types of food eaten by local catfish were water insects by 38% and taste by 26%. It also found types of fish, moss, and food scraps.  Then catfish have increased fecundity from 1.733 to 9.331 grains and the size of the egg diameter greatly affects the hatching time of fish eggs.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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