Aplikasi Buku Tamu Pada Dinas Komunikasi Dan Informatika Kab. OKU

Tri Astina, Ruliansyah Ruliansyah, Yayan Candra Subidin


Technology is developing very rapidly, technology is used to simplify existing work. The benefit in question is to make it easier for work that was previously done slowly and conventionally to be managed more efficiently, more cost-effectively and quickly. Government agencies are one of the organizations that require the use of technology to support work processes, especially in data management. The guest book is an example of data management that must be carried out in the agency in processing data from guests. District Communications and Information Office. OKU Baturaja has a problem in carrying out the work process of processing guest data, namely the unavailability of computerized guest data management. Data collection from visiting guests is still done conventionally, namely manually using books and pens so that it can cause problems with lost documents, damaged data, wasteful of paper and difficult to back up printed data from data on guest book paper, difficult to find data if needed. [2] So the Communication and Information Office of Baturaja Regency OKU needs a guest book application that can solve this problem. Therefore, the author designed the application for the Guest Book of the Diskominfo Kab. OKU Baturaja is programmed using the PHP programming language and supported by the MySQL database. The Guest Book application of Diskominfo Kab.OKU Baturaja uses the waterfall development method and describes the flow of the system using data flow diagrams. In this research, the data collection method used is the interview method and library study. With the Guest Book application, Diskominfo Kab.OKU makes the work of processing guest data at the Office of Communication and Information of Kab.OKU Baturaja easier by utilizing existing technology such as detailed guest data by date of visit, has a search feature, and recapitulates to Microsoft Excel with easily based on the desired date or all data.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
email: semnassaintek_uin@radenfatah.ac.id

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