Desain Primer Secara in Silico Untuk Mengidentifikasi Tikus Dengan Menggunakan Gen Cytochrome Oxidase I

Aulia Zahrani, Intan Mardini, Elfira Rosa Pane


Consumption of beef in Indonesia as a source of animal protein is increasing, but the population of beef cattle in Indonesia has increased quite slowly. This situation has led to rampant counterfeiting or mixing of beef with other meats, especially rat meat (Rattus norvegicus). This study aims to obtain a database of Cytochrome oxidase I genes and to design primers in silico, using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) to identify genetically modified rat for halal food ingredients. Rattus norvegicus (NC001665.2) mt‐COXI gene sequences were obtained from the National Center of Biotechnology Information ( database. The primer was designed using Bioedit software. Furthermore, several primer candidates were analyzed for specificity of the mt‐COX1 gene in silico using software Olygo Analyzer, NetPrimer and NCBI BLAST. Primers specific to the mt‐COXI gene in rat (Rattus norvegicus) were successfully designed with a forward primer sequence of 5'‐ TGACGAAGGAGGTAGTAA 3'; reverse primer sequence 5'‐ TTCGATCTGTGAGGAGTA 3'. This primer can be used to develop a method for detecting rat meat in food using PCR method.

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Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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