Perbandingan Nilai Daya Pengikat Chlor Antara Kaporit Dan Natrium Hipoklorit Pada Proses Penjernihan Air

Selsa Meilani, Damayanti Iskandar


The Musi River is one of the sources of water for daily activities for the people of Palembang and its surroundings. However, the frequent occurrence of industrial and household waste disposal in river water causes one of the negative impacts. There are microorganisms that exceed the threshold so that the water quality becomes poor. Therefore, its necessary to carry out disinfection to remove microorganisms in the water so that it can be used for daily purposes. The puspose of this analysis is to compare the value of Chlorine Binding Power (CBP) of the disinfection material between Chlorine and Sodium Hypoclorite to see which disinfectant is the most effective in purifying and destroying microorganism in river water. Then analysis carried out is chlorination by comparing the concentration of added chlorine 1-5ppm and sodium hypoclorite 1-10ppm in water and abserved using the Lovibond Comporator. The CBP value obtained for Chlorine is 2.41 ppm, 1.97ppm, 0.56ppm, 0.89ppm, -1.71ppm, while the Sodium Hypochlorite for 1-5ppm  is 0 ppm.Therefore, futher research was carred out with a comparison of 6-10ppm ang got the result of 1.21ppm, 1.61ppm, 1.06ppm, 1.01ppm, 0.96ppm.  Based on the data obtained indicate that chlorine has a higher CBP value so it’s a good to use as a disinfectant to purify and eradicate bacteria and microorganisms present in water.

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E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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