Identifikasi Kandungan Asam Benzoat Pada Obat Tradisional Menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT)

Wulan Destrilianti, Ade Ade Oktasari, Christina Rita Darhani


Benzoic acid is a synthetic preservative used to inhibit spoilage or acidification by microorganisms, but as a medicinal chemical the use of benzoic acid in traditional medicine is certainly very limited. Besides being a BKO, benzoic acid also has a bad impact if consumed beyond the specified limit. Starting from Headaches, Nausea, Swelling Cells to damage to liver function. Given these adverse effects, it is necessary to identify the content of benzoic acid in a traditional medicine to find out whether the traditional medicine meets the requirements to be circulated in the community. The identification was carried out by testing using a High Performance Liquid Chromatography instrument, due to its sensitivity to benzoic acid. After the identification was carried out, it was found that 2 samples of traditional medicine showed negative results, while 1 sample showed positive results with a wavelength of 228 nm with a concentration of 1858.30 mg/kg. So the conclusion obtained based on these results is that samples of traditional medicines meet the requirements to be circulated in the community, as regulated in PERBPOM No. 17 of 2019 the requirements for benzoic acid levels are <2000 mg/kg.

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Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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