Isolasi Dan Uji Patogenitas Jamur Penyakit Antraknosa Pada Tanaman Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum annuum L.)
Chili has a high economic value, but its production in Lampung province has decreased from 2018 with a production value of 45,380 tons to 40,101 tons in 2019 caused by various factors, one of which is anthracnose infection. Colletotrichum fungus has been widely reported as the causative agent of anthracnose disease in chili plants. This study aims to identify the type of pathogenic fungus Colletotrichum that causes anthracnose on large red chilies from several chili plantation areas in East Lampung, Pesawaran and Tanggamus and to test the level of pathogenicity. Identification methods include macroscopic and microscopic characterization as well as pathogenicity testing to evaluate the virulence of the pathogen. The results of microscopic observations showed that 13 of the 30 isolates suspected to be in the Colletotrichum group were characterized by spores and hyphae with varying hyphal textures. In this study, the identity of the suspected Colletotrichum fungus was found in the form of 5 species, namely C. capsici, C. gloeosporioides, C. acutatum, C. truncatum and C. fruticola.
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