Pemanfaatan Daun Sirih Hijau (Piper Batle L.) Sebagai Produk Bio Hand Sanitizer

Nurleli Suci Lestari, RA. Hoetary Tirta Amallia, Riri Novita Sunarti, Andi Saputra, Amalia Amalia, Finiarti Finiarti, Albadi Lijaya


Green betel leaf (Piper Betle L.) is one of the local wisdoms in Indonesia whose benefits have been widely felt. One of the most well-known betel leaf products among local people is as an antiseptic soap, especially for the feminine area. The content of flavonoid compounds, polyphenols, tannins and volatile oils which are quite high and stable in betel leaves are the basic ingredients as anti-bacterial and fungi. At the beginning of 2019, along with the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of hand sanitizers was increasing. Most hand sanitizers on the market are made from 70% and 80% alcohol. Therefore, this study offers a natural-based gel hand sanitizer product so that it can reduce user exposure to chemicals. Green Betel Leaf Extract was tested on Salmonella sp bacteria with a pure experimental research method. From the results of the study, it was found that green betel leaf extract with a concentration of 20% had antibacterial effectiveness against Salmonella sp bacteria which was stronger than commercial hand sanitizers as seen from the clear zone formed.

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