E-Dempo Samsat Sumatera Selatan is a mobile application issued by the Regional Revenue Agency for the Province of South Sumatra, which aims to make it easier for taxpayers to manage and obtain information about vehicle taxes. In this application, there are service features that help taxpayers to view details of Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB), make payments, ratify STNK, and other services that can be done online via smartphone. The purpose of this study is to analyze the service quality of EDempo Samsat Sumatera Selatan as a relatively new application that comes as a complement to the old samsat service system. The study uses the PIECES analysis method which has six measuring variables, namely Performance, Informations, Economics, Control, Efficiency and Service variables. This study uses a quantitative approach with the help of SPSS Statistics 25 software for data calculations. After distributing a questionnaire containing 22 questions to 91 respondents using the application as a research sample, the results obtained stated that the total average score of the entire domain was 3.98 with a scale of 5.04 class interval results. This means that the quality of service in the E-Dempo Samsat Sumatera Selatan application is included in the good category and is sufficient to meet the needs of taxpayers. However, there are three domains with lower scores than the other four domains, namely the Informations, Control and Service domains. Therefore, the authors suggest frequently updating the application regarding up-to-date information, increasing user data security and adding other interesting information besides tax information. The author hopes that the results of this analysis can be used as material for consideration for developing the features, benefits and uses of E-Dempo application as an information service and vehicle tax payment for the people of South Sumatra.
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