Analisis Korelasi dan Regresi Hubungan Antara Jumlah Titik Panas terhadap Nilai Curah Hujan Per-bulan Periode 2015 – 2020 di Sumatera Selatan

Ega Dwi Lestari, Reza Ade Putra


It is known that Elnino and Lanina events have occurred in the province of South Sumatra during 2015-2020, from monitoring hotspots were detected in the dry season where in this season there were many forest and land fire events, from these events it is necessary to analyze whether rainfall can affect them . So this research aims to statistically study the relationship between the number of hotspots and rainfall per month in South Sumatra for the 2015-2020 period. This research uses correlation and regression methods between Hospot and Rainfall. Hotspot data collection from 2015-2020 on the LAPAN Fire Hotspot page with the .csv file format. The data that has been taken is then mapped using Microsoft Excel, sorted by regions with the highest to lowest hotspots during 2015-2020, while the Rainfall Data comes from BMKG Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Meteorological Station Palembang. The parameter of the amount of rainfall is obtained from the calculation using the observation rain gauge found in the BMKG tool park. Based on the results of data processing, the conclusion is that there is a phase opposite relationship (-) between hot spots and the amount of rainfall that is quite large, namely (-) 0.434474. This proves that the greater the number of hotspots in an area, the smaller the detected rainfall. And vice versa. From the calculation of the determinant coefficient, it shows that the variance that occurs in the variable number of hotspots (hotspots) 27.14% can be explained by the variance that occurs in the variable amount of rainfall, and 72.86% by other factors.

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(diakses tanggal 28 mei 2020).


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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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