Aktivitas Antikanker Ekstrak Daun Kesambi (Scheichera oleosa) Terhadap Sel Hepar Baby Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) yang Diinduksi (7,12-Dimethylbenz(α)antrasena) (DMBA) secara in vitro

Lil Hanifah, Khalimatus Sa’diyah


Cancer occurs because of an error or failure in the condition of the cells resulting in uncontrolled growth factors. The process of cancer is called carcinogenesis, which begins with an increase in the proliferation of cells with genetic mutations resulting in excessive cell reproduction. Cancer cells are initiated by a DNA mutation process, the control of normal cell growth regulation is disrupted resulting in uncontrolled cell proliferation, and finally apoptosis decreases significantly. Several attempts to treat liver cancer have been carried out intensively, namely chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, these treatments have not been able to effectively combat cancer. This resistance phenomenon has consequences for increasing therapeutic doses. The right therapy strategy is needed to overcome these problems. The use of plants as medicine has now become important for society and has been passed down from generation to generation. One of the plants that has very important benefits for traditional medicine or healing for the community is kesambi (Schleichera oleosa). Kesambi (Schleichera oleosa) has very important phytochemical elements, including terpenoids, flavonoids, phenolic acid, betulin, betulin acid and others, so that it has enormous benefits in the process of antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer. This research is an experimental study using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments and 4 replications. K: 50 µl liver cells + 2650 µl DMEM media + 300 µl FBS; P0: 50 µl liver cells + 2550 µl DMEM media + 300 µl FBS + 100 µl DMBA; P1: 50 µl liver cells + 2520 µl DMEM media + 300 µl FBS + 100 µl DMBA + 30 µl of kesambi leaf extract; P2: 50 µl liver cells + 2505 µl DMEM media + 300 µl FBS + 100 µl DMBA + 45 µl of kesambi leaf extract; P3: 50 µl liver cells + 2490 µl DMEM media + 300 µl FBS + 100 µl DMBA + 60 µl kesambi leaf extract and P4: 50 µl hepatic cells + 2475 µl DMEM media + 300 µl FBS + 100 µl DMBA + Kesambi 75 leaf extract µl. The results of this study indicate that kesambi leaf extract (Schleichea oleosa) against liver cells of baby rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced by 7,12 DMBA has anticancer activity which is shown in hepatic cell confluence in the penis P2, P3 and P4. The anticancer activity on viability was shown in the P3 treatment, while for the cytotoxicity test of the kesambi leaf extract, the LC50 value was 6.76 <1000, so the kesambi leaf extract was toxic and had potential as an anticancer.

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Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
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