Pemanfaatan Silica Scalling Energi Panas Bumi menjadi Nanosilika Bernilai Jual Tinggi

Gebby Febrilia Irwanda, Serlina Serlina, Yoga Ramadi Gusti, Syukri Arief


Nanosilica has often used in many sectors, such as medical, biology, pharmacy, agriculture, ceramics, paints, films, electronics, etc. Silica scalling from geothermal solid waste is one of natural silica precursor that contain a lot of amorphous silica (~99% SiO2). The purpose of this study is to synthesize nanoparticle silica from geothermal solid waste following the sol-gel method. This was conducted by reacting silica waste with NaOH 1.5 N and subsequently the addition of diethanolamine (DEA) which is a nonionic surfactant to control the size of particles. Then 2N HCl solution was added to form a gel at pH 10 with an ageing time of 18 hours. The synthesized silica was then calcined at temperatures of 3000C, 4000C, 5000C, 6000C, 7000C, 8000C and 9000C for 2 hours to see the change from the amorphous phase to crystalline. After that, it was characterized by Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) which showed that silanol and siloxane groups were prominent and the results of X-Ray Difractometer (XRD) analysis which showed a phase change of cristobalite at  8000C and 9000C.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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