Analisis Isi Lambung Ikan Gabus (Channa striata) dan Ikan Baung (Mystus nemurus) di BRPPUPP Palembang

Mega Nabilla, Awalul Fatiqin, Makri Makri


Fish stomach analysis is a study of the relationship between the composition of natural feed in the stomach and its habitat, such as plankton, benthos and others. Snakehead fish (Channa striata) and baung fish (Mystus murus) are one of the fisheries resources that have important economic potential in South Sumatra Province. Stomach content analysis research can provide basic information to preserve the population of snakehead fish and baung fish. The purpose of this study was to determine the composition of the food in the stomach contents of snakehead fish and baung fish which includes main food, complementary food and additional food. This research was conducted in February 2019 at the Fish Biology Lab, Public Water Fisheries Research Institute and Palembang Fisheries Extension. Fish were obtained from fish farmers in the Kepuh swamps of Tanjung Barangan Palembang. Gastric contents were analyzed using the gravimetric method and the data obtained were calculated using the IP (index of preponderence). The results showed that the food found was in the form of fish, insects, plants, and animal debris (Unidentified). The results obtained in snakehead fish that the main food (IP 46.61%) is leftover food, complementary food (IP 26.21%) is fish pieces and there are 2 types of additional food (IP 19.42%) in animal debris. (Unidentificated) and (IP 7.76%) in insects. Then the results on baung fish that the main food (IP 61.63%) is fish pieces, complementary food with (IP 21.8%) is leftover food and there are 2 types of additional food (IP 13.09%) in animal debris (Unidentificated) and (IP 3.48%) remaining shrimp. From the data obtained, it is concluded that snakehead fish (Channa striata) and baung fish (Mystus murus) are carnivorous animals.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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