Analisis Kadar Sulfat (SO4), Fenol dan Phosfat (PO4) pada Air Sungai di Kabupaten Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan

Nadia Nailis, Riri Novita Sunarti, Ajeng Aprilia, Alda Pratiwi


Considering the dangers posed by the content of Sulfate (SO4), Phenol and Phosphate (PO4) which are present and accumulated in the water, because if the situation is high, it is a source of pollution that endangers the lives of humans and aquatic animals. So research was conducted on the content of Sulfate (SO4), Phenol and Phosphate (PO4) in the waters. This study aims to determine whether the levels of Sulfate (SO4), Phenol and Phosphate (PO4) exceed the standard threshold for river water in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra. In each river, 2 water samples were taken, namely the upstream and downstream rivers contained in six rivers, namely the Enim River, Lawai River, Tabu River, Kiawas River, Kiahan River, and Selising River. The research was conducted in May 2021 with the method used referring to SNI (Indonesian National Standard) No.15/IK/LL/2021 using a Spectrophotometer. Sulfate (SO4) levels of the six samples in the upstream and downstream rivers that have been tested are in the range of 2 mg/L-3 mg/L. The phenol levels of the six samples in the upstream and downstream rivers ranged from 0.012 mg/L to 0.016 mg/L. While the levels of Phosphate (PO4) in the six samples in the upstream and downstream rivers that have been tested are in the range of 0.11 mg/L-0.14 mg/L. In general, the test results show that the content of sulfate (SO4) and phosphate (PO4) in the river water is still feasible because it still meets environmental quality standards according to KEP No. 22/MENLH/10/2021, while the phenol content of the six samples exceeded the standard threshold. This stipulation is in accordance with KEP No.22/MENLH/10/2021 which is safe for the environment. In accordance with kep No.22/MENLH/10/2021 the maximum value of sulfate, phenol and phosphate in the river the class has not been determined, the water quality standard is considered subject to the Class 2 setting, namely for Sulfate (SO4) in class 2 clean water is 300 mg/L, for Phenol class 2 is 0.005 mg/L and for Phosphate (PO4) class 2 is 0.2 mg/L.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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