Analisis Penjernihan Air Baku dengan Menggunakan Tiga Tahapan Koagulasi Flocculasi dan SEndimentasi untuk Proses Air pada Boiler

Novitri Dewi Yani, Damayanti Iskandar, Wawan Kurniawan


The palm oil agroindustry in Indonesia has contributed a lot to the country's economy. Palm oil mills in Indonesia in their processing mostly use boilers as the main generator where the boiler is a vital tool in the palm oil mill which plays an important role in the processing of TBS into CPO. In the processing or operation of the plant, water is needed, because water is used as boiler feed for power generation and for processing. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the quality and standard of clean water after going through three purification processes that can be used in the TBS processing and boiler work processes. The water treatment process is carried out using External Water Treatment and Internal Water Treatment methods which are validated through predetermined quality standards. Analysis of raw water quality which includes measurements of pH, TDS, total hardness, and turbidity shows that the resulting pH value is not as required, then the TDS value obtained exceeds the desired standard, which is more than 40, then the total Hardness value obtained which is below 20 and there are also above 20, meaning that values below 20 are in accordance with what is needed by the company, while those above 20 will be added with a chemical dose in the next process because the water can build scale on the boiler, and the turbidity value obtained is always below 5, meaning that the clarity obtained is in accordance with what is desired by the factory.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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