Cause Effect Graph dan Functional Testing dalam Pengujian Sistem Informasi Perjalanan Dinas

Ade Sukmawati, Gina Agiyani, Malahayati Malahayati


System information journey service is system web based that can help in make it easy management and supervision journey service at the agency regarding letter correspondence work in data recording and archiving. system information journey service in use need testing was carried out for determine level appropriateness from system that has implemented. Testing in a testing application is the steps taken by the examiner to find the errors contained in a software or application. one _ techniques that can be used in testing this is blackbox testing. Blackbox testing techniques consist of a number of one way _ cause effect testing and functional testing. Cause effect testing and functional testing is method testing with a test run _ based on condition logic and related actions. _ testing system conducted with cause effect testing with apply technique testing that is unit testing, system testing, error handling system, performance testing, installation and load testing, user help testing and validity testing [1]. then functional testing on testing this aim for knowing factor factor supporter and inhibitor in testing [2]. Test results give conclusions about the truth function from tested software as well as what error still there is in it.

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Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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