Analisis Kadar Air Dan Sari Kopi Bubuk Menggunakan Metode Gravimetri Dan Ekstraksi

Chendy Veronica Lestari, Rohmatulaili Rohmatulaili


According to the National Library Agency, in 2017 Indonesia was a country with an area of 1.23 million hectares of coffee plantations, dominated by Robusta and Arabica coffee. Jambi is one of the areas with quite extensive coffee plantations, which is indicated by the number of coffee bean processing companies. Companies engaged in the processing of coffee beans include Nefo, Arabica, Angso Duo Coffee, Ras Chicken. Factors that affect the quality of coffee are processing and drying, where the parameters that are affected are water content and coffee extract, the maximum value of the standard water content of ground coffee is 7% and coffee essence is 36%, which meets the coffee quality standard according to SNI 01-3542- 2004 on how to test food and beverages. The water content test was carried out by the gravimetric method by weighing the initial and final weight of the coffee grounds which were heated using an oven at 130oC, while the coffee extract used the filtering method and heating using a water bath. The test results show that the coffee circulating in the Jambi city market has a water content (0.21%-5.42%) and coffee essence (23.58%). All of these test components have met the requirements of the Indonesian National Standard.

Teks Lengkap:



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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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