Desain Primer Gen Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (Cox1) Secara in Silico Untuk Mengidentifikasi Cemaran Daging Babi (Sus Scrofa)

Intan Mardini, Aulia Zahrani, Efira Rosa Pane, Fitria Wijayanti


In Indonesia,  the majority of the population is Muslim. Thus, the food products that are distributed must be guaranteed to be halal. There are many cases of adulteration and mixing of pork (Sus scrofa) with beef and other processed products in the community. Therefore, a scientific approach is needed to detect the contamination of Sus scrofa meat in food to protect Muslim consumers. This study aims to design primers from the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene in silico which can be used to identify pork contamination so that the results of the primer design can be used in the PCR amplification process. The sequence of the Cytochrome Oxidase I Sus scrofa gene was downloaded from the NCBI database accessed from the site with access code AF304203.1, which has full coding sequences. The primer pairs that were successfully designed according to good primary characteristics were 7 pairs of primers. Based on the results of the specificity test, 7 pairs of primers matched the desired target template.

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Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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