Analisis Nilai Deteration of Bleachability Index pada CPO Secara Spektrofotometri Uv- Visible

Rica Anggar Sakti, Ade Oktasari, Wawan Kurniawan


Indonesia is the world's largest producer of CPO (Crude palm Oil) derived from palm oil, one of the parameters for determining high-quality CPO is the DOBI (Deteration Of Bleachability Index) analysis. Where the quality of CPO is very influential to produce a quality final product. The purpose of the DOBI analysis is to find out that the DOBI in the CPO produced is in accordance with the standards, and to find out the factors that cause the DOBI in the resulting CPO to be low. The DOBI analysis process on CPO uses UV-Visible Spectrophotometry, where the ratio of absorbance ratios in the visible range (446nm- 269nm) is needed to determine the quality of CPO. The resulting DOBI analysis showed that the quality of CPO based on the MPOB (Malaysian Palm Oil Board) was quite good (2.3), DOBI was influenced by delays in fruit processing in the factory, the level of fruit maturity, the process when the fruit was processed, and the moisture content.

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P-ISSN (cetak): 2654-4032
E-ISSN (online): 2964-6820

Kantor Redaksi:
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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