Pengaruh Hormon Giberelin (GA3) dan Lama Perendaman terhadap Daya Kecambah dan Pertumbuhan Kacang Kedelai (Glycine max)

Anna Sipaurrahma, Riri Novita Sunarti


The demand for soybeans in Indonesia is increasing from year to year because the demand for needs used for industry and public consumption results in the domestic demand for soybeans not being able to meet consumer needs so that the government imports from soybean producing countries. This research aims to determine the effect of the hormone gibberellin (GA3) on the germination and growth of soybeans (Glycine max). This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 factors, namely the concentration of gibberellins and the duration of immersion. The first factor was the concentration of GA3 (Gibberellins) consisting of A1 = 0 ppm, A2 = 100 ppm, A3 = 220 ppm, and A4 = 500 ppm. Meanwhile, the second factor is the immersion time, consisting of 3 levels, namely T1 = 6 hours, T2 = 12 hours and T3 = 24 hours. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA with a 95% confidence level. Based on the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded that the administration of gibberellins (GA3) and soaking time significantly affected the germination, plant height, and number of leaves on soybean plants. The gibberellins treatment and soaking time gave Glycine max at 16 days after planting to grow optimally at a concentration of GA3 220 ppm and soaking for 24 hours where the percentage of germination was 70%.

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Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

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